Sandiaga Uno Calls Presidential Election This Time Is Almost Similar To 2017 DKI Pilgub Then

Rakyat Press. Candidate for Vice President Number 02, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno is very optimistic that along with Candidates for President Prabowo Subianto and his supporters, they will also win the presidential election in 2019 against potential incumbents. Sandi saw that the current presidential election battle was almost similar to the Election of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, which at the end led the incumbent.

"Surveys that are not fried show that we keep going up, while the side is next, we don't need to mention it, but what is clear is that we are going up. It shows that this is similar to the DKI Jakarta Pilgub, "said Sandiaga in the presence of the East Java Prabowo-Sandi Volunteers at the Premier Place Juanda Hotel in Sidoarjo on Monday evening, January 21, 2019.

As has been known before, the DKI Jakarta Pilgub in 2017 presented two candidate pairs, namely incumbent candidates versus Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno. The incumbent at that time was always referred to as the winner, but in the end the election was won by Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno.
Sandiaga Called Presidential Election This Time Is Almost Similar To DKI Pilgub 2017 Then
Sandiaga Called Presidential Election This Time Is Almost Similar To DKI Pilgub 2017 Then

"As stated before, that when the DKI Regional Election was all parties were there. All power, power, and all major capital are on the side. But thank God, Mr. Sofyan conveyed, the vice deputy leader, the maulaa wa ni'man nashiir, "said Sandiaga encouraging the volunteers.

After the event was addressed to reporters, Sandi said that the winning trend began to look like in the election of the DKI Governor. He is also optimistic that in East Java, Prabowo - Sandi can win the 2019 presidential election. For him, who can win votes in East Java will indeed be nationally.

"All that works is all synergy and the main issue is the economy," he said.

In addition, the Chairperson of Friends of Religion Prabowo - Sandi East Java, Fauzi Mahendra said that the East Java volunteer coordination meeting was held as a strengthening of the movement to win votes when the voting took place later.

"Expectations from Bang Sandi's agenda are how to arrange door to door one by one to volunteers," he said.
The purpose of this coordination meeting is to organize the strategy and the synergy of the leaders of the volunteers so that they do not work alone. At least 2.1 million coordinated volunteers in East Java can win Prabowo - Sandiaga


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